The Crown was an idea from April 2022, I like the way it sits on top of the head and not in front like a lot or if not all the other Crown designs we generally see. There is a good selection to view over on Balloon Chat, Crowns.
Plus there is a step by step tutorial on Balloon Chat of a different design Crown from March 2022,
Model of the Month Crown.
And then a more intricate design Crown over on BalloonTube that has an interesting look,
well I think it does so hopefully others might as well, BalloonTube Crown.
There are also a couple more Crown designs on BalloonTube with tutorial numbers,
69 and 98 if you’d like to take a look.
I was just looking for some more detail about the Crown and found the design made way back in August 2016,
this is the link if you’d like to take a look at a few earlier Crowns, Crowns.
A one balloon Bird design came from the Crown design as well, funny how things work out.